Nebula Nekos

Welcome! This is where you can learn all about the Nebula Neko open species by KittiiLavender!

Traits Guide

This is where you can view all the traits Nebula Nekos have so that you can make your own!


Nebula Nekos can either have star or ring halos! The stars can be in any shape you like! You can even mix-match between star and ring halos!

Star Markings

Nebula Nekos have star markings that can be any star shape on their chests and their flanks! They also have sparkles on their tails and flanks!

Other Traits

Nebula Nekos have a pair of star antennas coming from the back of their ears! The antennas have a halo and a star at the ends! They can also have wings!


Hope you have fun making your Nebula Neko! Other traits will be added over time so make sure to check the traits guide from time to time!

Nebula Nekos Introduction

Nebula Nekos are space cats which live in the Mystic Caverns. They really love exploring the caverns! They use comets as a form of transportation.
If you want to obtain a Nebula Neko, you can make your own or you can adopt a design!

The Beginning

Thousands of years ago Nebula Nekos spawned into existence when a large asteroid collided with Earth. The asteroid had mystical crystals from the Mystic Caverns. The crystals came into contact with the cats of Earth and transformed the cats into Nebula Nekos! Though nobody knows why, the cats were the only animals that came into contact with the crystals. The Nebula Nekos then travelled from Earth to the planet where the Mystic Caverns are by using comets!